What is AI?

Types of AI

AI, or artificial intelligence, can do tasks that usually need humans, either alone or with other technologies like sensors and GPS. Things like digital helpers, self-driving cars, and AI writing tools are examples of AI we hear about a lot.

In computer science, AI includes machine learning and deep learning. These are about making AI programs that can learn from data and make smart choices, like how our brains work. AI mimics the human brain’s decision-making process. Through machine learning and deep learning, the AI algorithms ‘learn’ from available data and can predict future outcomes.

AI has had times where people got really excited about it, but now with stuff like ChatGPT, it seems like AI is getting even better—and some people aren’t responding positively. Before, AI was mainly about seeing things, but now it is getting good at understanding and using language too.

AI is used in more and more things every day. But as businesses use AI more, it's important to talk about things like AI ethics and being responsible with it. If you want to know more about what IBM thinks about this, you can read their stuff on building trust in AI.

Here is a list of different kinds of AI tools, some of which we use daily. This is an extremely short list, the real list of of AI expands extensively.

  • Digital Helpers
  • Self-Driving Cars
  • AI Writing Tools
  • AI Art Tools