What is AI?

Pros and Cons of AI

Ever since AIs introduction to society, there has been a war raging against it. It has many pros, but also cons that intimidate people. Here are pros and cons that fuel both sides' arguments. The pros include streamlining work, saving lots of time, eliminating biases, and automating repetitive tasks. Through tools like this, many businesses can expand by putting their time into different areas. The cons include costly implementation, human job loss, and lack of emotion and creativity. AI does not come free—getting it introduced to a business costs a pretty penny. Also, there have already been several AI protests. People fear it taking their jobs away. This threat is very valid as money-hungry CEOs are already trying to implement the software at their companies.


Pros for AI

  • Streamlining work
  • Saving time
  • Eliminating biases
  • automating repetitive tasks

Cons for AI

  • Costly implementation
  • Human job loss
  • Lack of emotion
  • Lack of creativity